Thursday, February 21, 2013

I don't have time for this

What happened to the success of W1's 4miler? I was dying and had heartburn and almost didn't make it. And even worse, about halfway through, I thought to myself, "Wow, those 1minute breaks feel long." Apparently, I had somehow tripped my watch into 1:30min breaks. So, between that and the heartburn from only eating Epic Burger a few hours before, I was a mess.
Distance: 4 miles
Pace: 4:1.5 12:30/15:47

After going out hard Sunday night, and feeling like crap for the better part of the day, I've made the executive decision to reinstate my 3 drink rule. So, at least for a while, when I go out or stay in, I'm not having more than 3 drinks. Not to say that they won't be strong drinks, but you get the picture. It wasn't worth it to go out, spend a crapload of $, feel like crap and miss a day of training.

On top of that, I've been sick with cold/flu/allergies for 2 days now. I took Tuesday off from work on account of what I think was a 24hr flu, but had doped myself up so much that night that I was a total space cadet on Wednesday. And it gets better! I got to work and was immediately cold in my office. Within a few hours, I could hardly bend my right wrist after it had swollen so much from hives. (Yes, I'm allergic to the cold.) I had even taken all my preventative pills, but had to pop a Benadryl. When that didn't work after another hour, I gave up being miserable, went home, and popped a few more Bennies.

I really don't have time for this crap. I haven't run since Sunday, and my long run goes up to 5 miles this week. Now, I've run 5 miles before, but it's been 3 months now. I'm petrified.

11 weeks and 2 days til the half.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WTF Happened?

What the fuck happened? I was doing so well on Saturday's 4miler! And now this?

Okay, maybe it had something to do with the following...
- lunch's cod tacos were not sitting well
- a mid-day wine tasting
- so many people around the stupid gym - I really have to stop going weekdays 5-630PM

Anyways, it sucked. I couldn't focus and the music just wasn't vibing.

Distance: 3miles
Pace: 4:1 12:45/15:47
Elevation: 0ft

On to tomorrow's 2 miler with "hills." FUn....

Monday, February 11, 2013

Just Move

While talking with friends about my half, I've learned that several of them are training for half marathons as well! So, while I'm choosing not to train with a group, I have the support of my fellow trainees. And despite being hundreds of miles away from some of them, I'm happy that they'll be checking in on me just as I'll be checking in on them.

Week 1 Long Run

I've run an 8K before, I knew I could do it. I hopped on the treadmill because, baby, it's cold outside, and set my watch for intervals. After 1 interval, I wasn't feeling as dogged as I have been. Is my body getting back into the swing of things? I thought so, and I needed a little feel-good push. Therefore, I went for the 12:45 pace no walking. I left my watch ticking through, though, just in case I wanted to dial back into it. So as the 4:1's kept beeping by, I kept movin. Every time I thought I would fall back into the intervals, Pandora's MGMT station would squash the idea with another perfect song. It was the last few minutes, quarter mile, and so on when "Home" - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros came on and I was able to push it. I know this training says I shouldn't have, but I had to finish during that song! So, I did and I felt great. It was like, damn, maybe I can do this. I just have to figure out how to keep that mentality during triple the distance!
Distance: 4 miles
Pace: 12:48/4.7MPH
Peak Pace: 9:30

Week 2 Cross Training
Ipo's contribution to my training - ice supervisor
45 minutes on the elliptical... Hello hamstrings! Hello my ass! These and my right shoulder seem to be my problem areas so far or at least the areas that seem to ache a bit after exercise. Hopefully by actually doing the cross training, it'll help them out.

Friday, February 8, 2013

This Is Not a Diet

Me? Diet? Hell no. I'll eat as many deep fried chocolate chip cookies as I want. And I'll drink as many beers as I want.

But I do realize that I'm trying to be healthy, so maybe my lunch won't consist of a burger and fries everyday.

I've downloaded an app to track what I eat. Yes, it counts calories, though,I'm not really paying attention to that unless I've had too few. What I'm concerned with is the nutrients and fulfilling my daily values. Turns out I suck at eating the recommended amounts of everything.

CVS was having a sale on V8 and I decided to pick 2 pints up unsure of how it would taste sans vodka. Turns out it tastes pretty damn good and about the same as a Bloody. And the low sodium version fills a few gaps in my system.

So I guess awareness is half the battle.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Lofty Goal

February = 1 year anniversary of running
Do I run every week? No. Do I run fast? No, I'm a frickin' tortoise. Do I run far? Not yet...

The Goal: Door County Half Marathon
The Date: May 4, 2013

I have 12 weeks. Fuck me. Remind me why I'm doing this.

To answer my own question - I'm not really sure. I think it's for several reasons that just keep multiplying. I started running because I saw myself becoming unhealthy and I really wanted to keep eating boxes of cookies and drinking lots of beer. Therefore, moderation is key and exercise will help to balance it out a bit. Another reason is because I don't see myself as good at any physical activity. For me, I can be good at running. I don't have to constantly compare myself to others; I simply want the damn finishers medal.

I'll be logging my runs and training here while being brutally honest.

Luckily, my gym is down the street, so weather is no excuse. That's not to say that I won't be running outside.

I won't be training with CARA or any other organization quite simply because I can't afford it. Though, I will be doing a few races and the Six Leaf Series along the way.

I need to have fun, eat chocolate and drink beer, otherwise I'm going to quit tomorrow.

Week 1 Day 1
First day running since December's Rudolph Ramble 8K. Like I said, I'm a frickin' tortoise. No, I am The Tortoise. Considering my Ramble pace was 11:00, I was pretty disappointed when my body just told me "no." Upon realizing this, I came to the conclusion that I'd go with 4:1 intervals. There's no shame in walking.
It's been so long since I've ran that I totally forgot about chafing. The inside of my thighs were burning thanks to my too short shorts, and I wasn't near halfway done. There are eucalyptus scented cooling towels on hand that sounded like a lot more relief than they really were. Lesson learned, bring the deodorant.
Distance: 3.14
Pace: 13:15

Week 1 Day 2
Okay, I get it - I'm not in the same shape that I was last fall. At least my thighs weren't burning; though, clearly I didn't use the deodorant high enough. I didn't think I had to worry about it so close to the bikini line!
Distance: 3
Pace: 12:30

Week 1 Day 3
The Door County Half organizers make no secret of miles 4-7 being a bitch. And these are seasoned, experienced, good runners saying this. Why is this my race of choice? I googled some treadmill hill training, but it seemed a little intense for my just beginning.

Anyone want to take me back to grade school? All I see is hell. 
So, I decided to start easy... or so I thought. It was supposed to be my "easy" run of "2miles."
I started with the plan of warming up at 1% incline, going on for a bit and then doing a half mile of 2%, winding back down to 1% at an even slower pace.
Why didn't anyone tell me that this was going to hurt so much? I was going even slower than my other paces and I wanted to ball my eyes out and quit within 1min of "running." I'm pretty sure my body was telling me to stop, but the gloom-and-doom of miles 4-7 are just haunting me. Also thought that maybe it was just a threshold that I'd just have to push through. And push through, I -kind of- did.
Everything hurt with every footfall until 1.25miles. After that, turning up the tunes seemed to help. Last night, I read an article about how to hold your hands while running. The basic elbows at your side, loosen up, and then "picture yourself holding 2 butterflies." Admittedly, the butterflies helped. The damn flutter-ers occupied my mind long enough to finish (without walking).Then, everything resumed hurting.
Tomorrow, I'm going to figure out how to make that foam roller lend some relief to my thighs. And why do my shoulders hurt?
Distance: 2
Pace: 13:00
Distance Climbed: 119feet