Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An Afterthought

I realized that I should have started a blog when I began studying public relations. PR has given me a new insight into sailing and why it is constantly falling apart - specifically in the US.

Before immediately discrediting me, know a few things (I'll keep them brief):
- grew up on the water with a family that has a lot of sailing history. Unfortunately, it is "history" after my sister and I were born
- have taught at three different sailing foundations and will go into more depth on those in a later posting
- am a boat owner with my sister
- have interned with two high profile sailing organizations for events with a third coming next week (more later)
- am finishing up my last semester of college at Northern Michigan University obtaining a bachelor's in PR

If you are like most people I speak with, you have an idea of what PR is, but no... not really. For you, I'll give my blunt definition:
"PR people clean up what you fuck up or do their best to tell you how to not fuck up"
That definition doesn't cover everything, but it takes care of a lot of it.
I'll credit my professor with this definition, though, so I don't get completely torn apart by anyone in PR:
"communicating an accurate image or message to publics"

In this blog, I'll be discussing anything and everything with a focus on sailing. I'll also be posting through the eyes of a soon-to-be college graduate searching for the "dream job."

To be honest, this blog may prevent me from getting a job if a potential employer doesn't like my views, language or whatever, and I am perfectly fine with that. I'm not going to roll over and tell some organization how great of a job they're doing if they're royally fucking it up (like so many in the US are doing). I'm okay with this even if it means I have to revert to teaching sailing or managing boat rentals.

So, here it is...

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